Boy Offered To Walk Dog And Dog Went Viral

We’ve all been enduring this pandemic in our ways. And we all have different ways of dealing with being quarantined. For a 4th grader named Troy, sending a letter to his neighbor and asking to be a dog-sitter in the future is the way. The message went viral on social media, and the boy’s pure heart touched a lot of people.


The dog owner of the golden retriever named Arthur posted an update on Instagram (yes, Arthur is on Instagram) about their cute little neighbor. The caption said Arthur just made friends with a small human, basically as big as Arthur, and that the boy might give Arthur more treats.


The photo shows Arthur looking excited while his owner read up the letter that Troy sent. The letter said that Troy, who is in 4th grade, is wondering whether Arthur’s owner would let him be the dog-sitter once the pandemic is over. Many comments were posted and some people were even joking that Troy must need some extra pocket money.


Soon after the letter, Arthur’s Instagram uploaded an update. They had a play date together! The caption said Arthur and Troy had a great time playing together while observing social distancing. Troy has no picture because he’s a small kid, and they need to protect his privacy. The caption assured Arthur’s fans that Troy was great and even showed some dance moves. The update also mentioned that Arthur and Troy would be best buds.


After the posts about Troy’s letter and the playdate update, Arthur’s humans were surprised to see the dog’s fame rising. The Instagram account’s following grew in no time and now has more than 30,000 fans. Another update was posted saying that Arthur was happy that Troy’s letters had brought him so many new friends.

Check out Arthur’s everyday life on Instagram!

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